

Switch to release “TRIP vol.12” album in April

Switch participates in the ALBUM SERIES TRIP with an entry of their own - "TRIP Vol. 12" - hitting stores in April.

Switch & 2wink team up for “COVER SONG SERIES vol.3”

A dream matchup in the Ensemble Stars!! franchise as Switch and 2wink team up for a cover of "Tell Your World".

Frontier Works unveils details on “ES Idol Song season3 Switch”

FRONTIER WORKS unveiled details on Switch's entry in the 3rd season of the ES Idol Song CD series.

Frontier Works unveils details on “ES Idol Song season2 Switch”

The first details on Switch's entry in the 2nd season of the ES Idol Song series are out. "Brilliant Smile" hits stores in May 2022.

Frontier Works unveil details on “Ensemble Stars!! ES Idol Song season1 Switch”

Details on Switch's entry in the ES Idol Song series are out. The CD hits stores in May 2021.
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