“Bokukoe” is a project created by WOWOW and GYAO. A series of special TV series featuring a star studded seiyuu cast will be broadcasted starting this month. Today, a promotional video was released as well as additional cast and a new story preview.
Sekai Variety Boku Dan (セカイ系バラエティ 僕声) or simply Bokukoe, is a show co-created by WOWOW and GYAO that counts with several popular and up-and-coming seiyuu on its cast. “Hero” and “Saving the world” are the themes behind this project.
Up until now 3 stories, its cast and photo previews had been released:
“君の●●がセカイを救った事を君は何も知らない” (You don’t know that ●● saved your world). The cast for these five episodes is the following: Toshiki Masuda, Tasuku Hatanaka, Shunsuke Takeuchi, Koutaro Nishiyama and Minoru Shiraishi. The first episode airs on 22/12/2017 for free on GYAO’s official website.
Historical period drama “Nobunaga, let’s save the world” featuring Tatsuhisa Suzuki (as Nobunaga Oda) and Chiharu Sawashiro (as Ranmaru Mori).
我が青春のクサリ荘 (Youth’s Chains) features Takahiro Sakurai, Kenichi Suzumura, Anri Katsu, Kenjiro Tsuda and Daisuke Kishio.
Today, additional seiyuu were announced to have joined this project: Tsubasa Yonaga, Yoshiki Nakajima, Hikaru Midorikawa, Yuto Uemura, Jouji Nakata, Natsuki Hanae and Tomokazu Seki.
The complete seiyuu lineup for this project includes Shunsuke Takeuchi, Tatsuhisa Suzuki, Toshiki Masuda, Tasuku Hatanaka, Showtaro Morikubo, Daisuke Namikawa, Koutaro Nishiyama, Anri Katsu, Daisuke Kishio, Takahiro Sakurai, Chiharu Sawashiro, Kenjiro Tsuda, Minoru Shiraishi and Kenichi Suzumura.
Related with the additional cast announcement was the first look into yet another new drama. “きっとあいつは主人公” (Surely he’s the hero), starring Yuto Uemura and Yoshiki Nakajima.
To wrap this up is the short promotional video that some sneak peeks of all these dramas.
【予告編映像】ついに解禁です!!是非拡散してくださいね♪ 「セカイ系バラエティ 僕声」の第1話は12月22日(金)22:00より「GYAO!」にて無料配信します!お楽しみに!https://t.co/fasw4kiUkx#僕声 pic.twitter.com/uODFmuk4od
— 「僕声」公式アカウント (@bokukoe_PR) 16 de dezembro de 2017
For more information about this project please refer to the official websites below.
SOURCE: Bokukoe official website / Bokukoe official twitter account