B-PROJECT is green lit for a 3rd anime season, and fans will get to revisit their favorite groups in the recently announced Nintendo Switch game.
Fans of B-PROJECT got a great bundle of news today.
B-PROJECT anime 3rd season
First off, a 3rd anime season for B-PROJECT is in the works. There are no details on when it will air so, at the moment, this is good enough news to keep everyone anticipating the coming year.
B-PROJECT’s new game
Earlier this year, in April, B-PROJECT’s smartphone game ended distribution, which came as a shocking surprise for longtime fans of the game.
If you’ve been wishing for the return of the game or a whole new game, B-PROJECT have good news for you: a game is in development.
流星*ファンタジア (Ryusei Fantasia) is going to launch on Nintendo Switch. At the moment, there is no confirmed date of release.
The game is going to count with new scenarios, new music, and will be fully voiced.
A promotional video is out.
B-PROJECT made these announcements today on twitter, after THRIVE‘s 2nd live, MUSIC DRUGGER.
More details on both are going to be unveiled in the upcoming months.
SOURCES: B-PROJECT official twitter account / B-PROJECT game official website