“Blooming SPRING” is the first release for the new A3! CD series. Today, during a special broadcast, part of the cast announced the first details for SPRING troupe‘s new release.
A brief introduction for those that aren’t familiar with this group:
The Spring Troupe counts with: Kodai Sakai, Yusuke Shirai, Koutaro Nishiyama, Shintaro Asanuma and Masashi Igarashi.
“Blooming SPRING” is set to be released on 04/10/2017, available in regular edition.
The cover art is the following:
Out of the SPRING troupe only Koutaro Nishiyama, Shintaro Asanuma, Masashi Igarashi will perform solo songs. The complete tracklist is the following:
1. ワンダーランド・ア・ゴーゴー!! (Yusuke Shirai, Shintaro Asanuma) 2. 思い出のねじ巻き (Koutaro Nishiyama, Masashi Igarashi) 3. ダンデライオンのあくび(Koutaro Nishiyama) 4. Gamer’s High (Shintaro Asanuma) 5. シトロンの正しい日本語講座?(Masashi Igarashi) 6. ワンダーランド・ア・ゴーゴー!! (off vocal) 7. 思い出のねじ巻き (off vocal) 8. ダンデライオンのあくび (off vocal) 9. Gamer’s High (off vocal) 10. シトロンの正しい日本語講座?(off vocal)
The digest video is already out.
The CD comes with:
- Cover features illustration
- Download code available until August 20, 2018.
Amazon JP has special editions for all 4 releases in stock. You can check them here.
“Blooming SPRING” is already available for pre-order on CDJAPAN for all overseas fans.