Marine Entertainment unveiled today the tracklist and song previews to &6allein‘s upcoming album “With You“.
“With You” is &6allein‘s first full-length album and is scheduled to be released on 04/04/2018, available in regular and Animate editions.
The cover art is the following for each edition:
All previously released songs were re-recorded for this release to fit the 5 piece lineup they currently have. The complete tracklist is the following:
1 - KISS or BANG! 2 --LIVED- 2018ver. 3 - A:LIVE 2018ver. 4 - BRAND NEW WORLD! ~果てしない旅~ (solo song by Tatsuya Tokutake) 5 - Only oneでNO.1 (solo song by Takahide Ishii) 6 - Happiness (solo song by Takeru Kikuchi) 7 - Let's get together (solo song by Yoshitaka Yamaya) 8 - 遥かな未来の輝きに (solo song by Shunichi Toki) 9 - Color of melody 2018ver. 10 - UNLOCK☆START!!! 2018ver.
A video featuring all song previews was unveiled today on Marine Entertainment‘s official youtube channel.
Marine Entertainment unveiled the bonus included with purchases on Stellaworth (original bromide – sample below).
“With You” is available for pre-order for overseas fans.
On another note: The unit also announced that they’ll be hosting their first ever “one man live” show on 09/06/2018 at CLUB SEATA in Tokyo. More details about that will be unveiled on a later date according to Marine Entertainment.
Source: &6allein official twitter account / &6allein official website