315 STARS‘s “GLORIOUS RO@D“, is the franchise’s newest hymn. A beautiful harmony between vocals and instrumentals that asks the listener to join in the fun.
315 STARS consist of DRAMATIC STARS, Beit, S.E.M, High✕Joker, W and Jupiter.
Title: GLORIOUS RO@D Label: Lantis Release date: 31/01/2018 Genre: J-Pop
■Disc 01
01.We Are 315!! 02.一番星の誓い 03.リスタート 04.出会いはひょんなことから 05.生まれた光 06.人を笑顔にするということ 07.世界は動き出す 08.彼らの日常 09.スタートダッシュ! 10.デコボコユニット 11.見慣れた風景 12.夢を絆に変えて 13.トホホ… 14.おかしいな? 15.ソボクな疑問 16.不穏 17.最強のチームワーク 18.夢に向かって 19.自慢のアイドル 20.穏やかな一日 21.動揺 22.同じ願いを持つ仲間 23.あたたかい場所 24.ポジティブシンキング 25.青春100パーセント! 26.小さな違和感 27.トラブル発生 28.出発進行! 29.春夏秋冬四季おり 30.日常は今日も続く 31.テーブルを囲んで 32.広まる噂 33.始まりのこの場所で 34.信念を胸に 35.想いをひとつにして 36.幕を上げよう 37.さぁ、行こう!この道の先へ
■Disc 02
01.理由あって、アイドル! 02.パッション!パッション!! 03.ドタバタコメディ 04.スキャンダル!? 05.熱血大陸 06.二人の旋律 07.Next Episode 08.DRIVE A LIVE (Common BGM Version) 09.DRIVE A LIVE (Classic BGM Version) 10.DRIVE A LIVE (Piano BGM Version) 11.Beyond The Dream (BGM Version) 12.STARLIGHT CELEBRATE! (BGM Version) 13.想いはETERNITY (BGM Version) 14.Study Equal Magic! (BGM Version) 15.VICTORY BELIEVER (BGM Version) 16.HIGH JUMP NO LIMIT (BGM Version) 17.BRAND NEW FIELD (BGM Version) 18.DRAMATIC NONFICTION (BGM Version) 19.Reason!! (BGM Version) 20.GLORIOUS RO@D (BGM Version) 21.Reason!! (TV Size) 22.Beyond The Dream 23.DRIVE A LIVE 24.GLORIOUS RO@D [new song]
Track analysis (we won’t review the instrumentals nor the short versions of songs):
“GLORIOUS RO@D” brings 315STARS to well known territory. This song seems to have been crafted to be performed live. We’re presented with a laidback pop-rock tune that relies on its simplicity, putting aside synths, to impress with an acoustic tune that knew exactly how to balance brightness with sweetness to deliver a stunning instrumental. With a simple formula this instrumental allows much more from the vocal end, especially with mid-tempo, quiet melodic verses and a well-crafted chorus that strays away from the usual over-hyped formula that most SideM songs are known for. If you’re the kind of person that can’t pass out on a good guitar solo this song has the right thing for you, just listen to the bridge.
Now, onto the vocals. First things first you’ll want to join the chants and will certainly singing along to the chorus.
With this lineup it’s barely impossible not to cover all ends and deliver a stunning, engaging and complete performance. 315STARS have not shortage of melodic, vibrato imbued vocals and skilled singers, with some members really going the extra mile to impress, from Yoshiki Nakajima’s falsetto, to Kento Ito’s vibrato, Yuma Uchida’s overall smooth performance, Yuichiro Umehara’s reliable low notes, Yusuke Shirai’s nasal mid-tones, Yoshitaka Yamaya and Taku Yashiro’s high toned vocals, and the list goes on, everyone had something to bring to the table and the listener really benefited from their talent showcase. This song thoroughly impressed us, managing to keep a minimalist, vocals-oriented sound that exudes a “feel-good” vibe, one that will put a smile on your face as you sing along to it. There it is, another hymn for the SideM franchise, certainly the next big song to be performed by the whole cast on a live setting.
Final rating:
“GLORIOUS RO@D“ is available for purchase on CDJAPAN for all overseas fans.